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FX Panthera Caliber Exchange Set with V2 Dual Hole Transfer Port and High Flow Pin Probe


Huma-Air Caliber Exchange Set with V2 Dual Hole Transfer Port and High Flow Pin- or Pellet Probe allows you to change the caliber of your FX Panthera with the use of your excisting barrel components


This caliber exchange set with V2 dual hole transferport and high flow pin probe makes it posible to change the caliber of your FX Panthera with the use of your excisting barrel sleeve and barrelshroud

The set exists of our V2 dual hole transfer port, a liner lock nut, a high flow pin probe and the supporting o-rings for the optional FX liner inside the barrel sleeve (the liner itself is not included)

The V-shaped transfer opening makes sure you will have the maximum and smoothest air passage area

The middle support bridge divides the transfer port into a dual hole port and the middle bridge makes sure the pellet or slug nose cannot fall into the enlarged transferport hole, but will be guided smoothly by the middle bridge into the barrel

The pin probe can be used for slugs and pellets and makes sure you will have the maximum air flow trough the transferport towards the projectile

FX Panthera Caliber Exchange Set

R2 080,00Price
VAT Included
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